Ima Chubby Goldseeker

2017 APHA own daughter of Cudd Quarter Horses sire, Frenchmans Chubby by Frenchmans Guy (PE $14 Million+).

Her dam is an own daughter of Catman Goldseeker (Producer of 1D/multiple Pro Rodeo winners).

The cross everybody is looking for, AND she carries the Cudd brand right on her hip! This gal hasn’t been asked to do much so far in her life, and she is ready for a job. She rides inside and outside an arena. She is ALL gas, and really not too much brakes. This gal is going to make someone a WINNER in the barrel pen.

She will not buck, nor has she done a single wrong thing. I do not think she would ever harm a soul. She’s bred for the cans, but anything with speed will suit this gal in the long run.

  • Baldwin, WI – I can arrange shipping anywhere!
  • Call/Text: 651-246-9405

              $8995 – SOLD