“Twix” is a 7 year old AQHA foundation bred gelding. He is a TRUE grulla, with a full dorsal stripe and dun barring to match. Add that to the perfect size of 15 hands, and I’d say he is about as close to a lifesize Breyer that you will find.
This gelding came from a 4-H girl that entered him in just about everything the past few years. County fairs, state fairs, and the entire mix. He was shown in the local hunt seat, trail versatility classes, and was a member of their drill team. He will collect up like a pleasure horse should with a rocking lope you can sit for hours. You can even ride him bridle-less!
I’d say his foundation bloodlines shine through, because this guy is more than just pretty on the ringside. We have thrown ropes off him and used him around the property. He is athletic enough to go off and likely make someone a head-turning rope horse. He crosses water, bridges, rocks, is extremely sure footed.
The ONLY vice in this guy is that he will saddle up tight if you give him too many weeks off – for that reason, I would not classify him as your grandma’s only summer go-to. However, anyone with confidence will love this guy to pieces. You don’t have to be off the Yellowstone to get along with this guy.
- Baldwin, WI – I can arrange shipping anywhere!
- Call/Text: 651-246-9405