Go Power Lena is a 6 year old mare by an own son of Tonto Bar Cash (Dash Easy – Dash for Cash) out of a Docs Okie Quixote mare (NCHA earnings of over 600k).
This mare had over 120 days cutting training. She is started tracking the smarty and is started on the barrels.
This is THE prettiest mare I have ever owned. You seriously might need to hire part-time help just to deal with this girl’s mane. Her tail had to be trimmed because it was dragging on the ground.
This is the mare you can throw ANYBODY on. Pretty comes with baggage, and by baggage I mean she can sometimes be a “diva” by personality. But she is safe, sweet, and easy going.
She had routine x-rays done in February and is sound. She stands a smidge under 15 hands.
Lake Elmo, MN – I can arrange shipping anywhere.
Call/Text: 651-246-9405